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Análisis de la flota dedicada a la pesca de corvina rubia y distribución de tallas del desembarque. Período 1992-1995 OceanDocs
Carozza, C.R.; Perrotta, R.G.; Cotrina, C.P.; Bremec, C.; Aubone, A..
This work deals with the structure and efficiency of the fleet fishing white croaker in Argentina. Results show that there exist two strata delimited by 17.25 m length and 345 HP vessels. The most efficient is constituted by those of smaller dimensions. During 1992-1995 landings were sampled and subsequently analyzed. A decrease in mean length landed and an increase of juveniles presence were detected. The situation coincided with an increment of catches, landings, fishing effort, exports and the fleet activities in "El Salado" area (35° 57' - 36° 57' LS).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing vessels; Catch/effort; Catch statistics; Fishing vessels; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Análisis de las capturas de atunes realizadas por dos buques pesqueros de Mar del Plata, Argentina, entre enero y abril de 2010 OceanDocs
Garciarena, A.D..
Data obtained by observers on board of two fishing vessels during six trips carried out between January-April 2010 to catch tuna were analyzed. Thirty-four fishing days were completed and of the 59 trawls performed 37 turned out positive (with tuna catches). The fishing gear consisted of a purse seine net. Exploitation took place within the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone, between 36° S-39° S. The main landings occurred in March and consisted of slender tuna, Allothunnus fallai (57%), followed by albacore, Thunnus alalunga (28.5%), in January and bonito, Sarda sarda (14%), in April. Sea surface temperature ranged 16 °C-19 °C. A total of 25 length frequency samples allowed to measure individuals of the species above mentioned and those of skipjack...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics; Commercial fishing; Allothunnus fallai; Thunnus alalunga; Sarda sarda; Observers; Marine environment.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Aspectos de la pesca de la polaca (Micromesistius australis) por parte de la flota argentina en el período 1989 - 1995 OceanDocs
Wöhler, O.C.; Marí, N.R..
Basic aspects concerning southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) fishing by the Argentine fleet in the period 1989-1995 are analized. Catch and effort statistics, fleet operation modalities and spatial and temporary characteristics of fishing activities are included. The basic information to perform this analysis was collected from the fishing statistics provided by the Subsecretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca of Argentina and from reports of the Observers Program on board of the commercial fleet. It was in 1989, when the first ship for surimi production entered the fishery, that southern blue whiting catches carried out by the Argentine fleet became important. As of 1989 catches increased in a steady way to stabilize at near 100,000 annual...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Fishing grounds; Catch/effort; Fishing grounds; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Aspectos económicos de la pesquería de caballa (Scomber japonicus) y muestreo de desembarque en el puerto de Mar del Plata. OceanDocs
Perrotta, R.G.; Tringali, L.S.; Izzo, A.; Boccanfuso, J.; López, F.; Macchi, G.J..
Movements pattern records of the Mar del Plata inshore fishing fleet during the 1997/98 and 1998/99 chub mackerel fishing seasons (October-January) allowed to observe that there is coincidence between the decrease of the 1983-1997 catches with respect to years previous to the 1975/76 "critical season" and a reduction of the inshore fleet fishing grounds which modifies accessibility of the fleet to the chub mackerel schools. Biostatistical and gonadal development results obtained in the Mar del Plata area (i.e., presence of adults during almost the whole fishing season which overlaps with the spawning season) do not differ significantly from those obtained during previous fishing seasons. As recommended in previous papers, chub mackerel fishing operations...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Biological sampling; Fishing grounds; Population structure; Costs; Population structure; Fishing grounds; Costs; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Caracteristicas de la pesca artesanal en el Partido de la Costa (Cabo San Antonio) y perfil socioeconomico de la actividad. OceanDocs
Lagos, A.N..
There is a lack of scientific information about the artisanal fishery in the de la Costa County (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). Moreover, this artisanal sector does not have fishing statistics because local fishermen are not obliged to hand in fishing reports, where even basic data on catch and fleet effort should be included. The main objective was the analysis of the artisanal fishery in the de la Costa County from the biological, economic and social point of view. One 132 sample stations were analyzed between 56 degree -57 degree W and 36 degree -37 degree S from 1992 to 1999. Moreover, information on the artisanal fleet, environmental conditions and the arrival of tourists to the de la Costa County was also analyzed. Fishing yield (FY) per boat was...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Catch statistics; Gillnets; Fishermen; Socioeconomic aspects; Coastal fisheries; Gillnets; Fishermen; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Dynamique des populations de poissons. ArchiMer
Daget, J..
The author explains that the population dynamics study, descriptive and explicative way, the changes which happen in the structure and the parameters (growth rate, sex ratio, fecundity, mortality etc.) of a monospecific population, by the use of mathematical models which permit prediction and simulation. If the fish population is not exploited, it is necessary to sample it directly and obtain samples representative of the demographical structure by experimental fishing (like electrical fishing) or by selectivity corrections. If the population is exploited, often the exploited phasis of the stock is only studied from samples representative of the whole captures. Now it happens that there is an important difference between the demographical structure of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Catch statistics; Mathematical models; Population dynamics.
Ano: 1976 URL:
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Estadística pesquera de peces demersales australes en el Atlántico Sudoccidental (período 1980-2002) OceanDocs
Gorini, F.L.; Di Marco, E.; Wöhler, O.C..
Fishery statistics of austral demersal fishes in the Southwest Atlantic (1980-2002 period). A synthesis of the information available about catches of austral demersal fishes and fishing efforts reported by different fleets that operated in the SW Atlantic between 34° S-58° S in the 1980-2002 period is made. Species included in the analysis were southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), patagonian hoki (Macruronus magellanicus), patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), red cod (Salilota australis), southern hake (Merluccius australis) and ling (Genypterus blacodes). Annual and monthly catches, fishing grounds, number of vessels that participated in the fisheries, main landing ports and other characteristic of interest are presented. When it...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fisheries; Landing statistics; Catch statistics; Fishing effort; Demersal fisheries; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Estandarización de la captura de centollón (Paralomis granulosa) por trampa con distintos tiempos de pesca en el Canal Beagle, Argentina OceanDocs
Firpo, C.; Wyngaard, J.; Iorio, M.I..
To standardize false king crab catch rates and transform them into abundance indices it is essential to count on a model that adequately describes the relation between catch per trap and fishing time. Considering data derived from research surveys carried out on board of the artisanal fleet in the Beagle Channel, assuming an asymptotic catch trend and absence of escape, to describe the relation an exponential model was applied. The Coo (asymptotic catch) and a (income rate) parameters of the model allowed to build a correction factor to transform the catches obtained with different fishing times into relative abundance indices. The model provides, besides, the optimum time to maximize catches. Para estandarizar las tasas de captura de centollón y...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing time; Trap nets; Catch statistics; Models; Fishery surveys; Abundance; Paralomis granulosa; Marine environment.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Evaluation des stocks et aménagement des pêcheries de la ZEE mauritanienne OceanDocs
Diop, M.; Inejih, C.A.O.; Tous, P.; Failler, P.; Dia, M.A..
Le cinquième groupe de travail destiné à l’évaluation des stocks et l’aménagement des pêcheries de la zone économique exclusive mauritanienne s’est réuni à l’Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches (IMROP) du 9 au 17 décembre 2002. Les objectifs de ce groupe de travail étaient d’actualiser les résultats des groupes de travail précédents, en utilisant les nouvelles informations disponibles ; d’établir un diagnostic des différents stocks et pêcheries afin de définir les potentiels de capture ainsi que les caractéristiques de l’effort permissible et d’évaluer l’impact des mesures d’aménagement actuellement en vigueur et identifier les perspectives à venir. Les résultats obtenus ont contribué à la formulation de recommandations...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Catch composition; Catch statistics; Catch/effort; Cephalopod fisheries; Coastal fisheries; Demersal fisheries; Economic analysis; Environmental conditions; Fishery economics; Fishery management; Fishing effort; Fishing fleet; Landing statistics; Marine environment; Overfishing; Pelagic fisheries; Population dynamics; Prices; Quality assurance; Quality control; Research institutions; Research vessels; Seasonal distribution; Seasonal variations; Shrimp fisheries; Socioeconomic aspects; Upwelling; Demersal fisheries; Economic analysis; Fishery management; Marine environment; Prices; Research vessels; Catch composition; Coastal fisheries; Environmental conditions; Fishing effort; Overfishing; Pelagic fisheries; Population dynamics; Quality assurance; Research institutions; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Explotación de calamar (Illex argentinus) en el Golfo San Matías. Temporada 2002 OceanDocs
Morsan, E.M..
Este informe resume la actividad pesquera de los buques poteros en el Golfo San Matías durante la actividad de pesca de calamar (Illex argentinus) 2002. Las capturas resultaron nulas durante la misma
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery resources; Cephalopod fisheries; Fishing vessels statistics; Catch statistics; Fishery resources; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Explotación de calamar (Illex argentinus) en el Golfo San Matías. Temporada 2003 OceanDocs
Morsan, E.M.; Rodeland, H..
La explotación comercial de calamar (Illex argentinus) con poteras ha registrado su máxima captura durante la temporada 2003: 4935 tm. La misma se extendió hasta el 26 de setiembre con la presencia de 5 buques, cada uno con un observador a bordo. Las capturas diarias alcanzaron un valor máximo de 70 tm. El presente informe resume la actividad pesquera de los buques poteros en el Golfo San Matías durante la temporada de pesca de 2003 y los datos obtenidos mediante muestreos a bordo
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery resources; Jigging; Fishing vessels statistics; Catch statistics; Commercial fishing; Cephalopod fisheries; Fishery resources; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Explotación experimental de calamar (Illex argentinus) en el Golfo San Matías. Temporada 2001 OceanDocs
Morsan, E.M.; Osovnikar, P..
El presente informe resume la información biológico- pesquera de la población de calamar (Illex argentinus) durante la temporada 2001. Las capturas por parte de buques poteros durante 2001 (2028 tn) constituyeron el máximo registro histórico. La época de desove durante este año ha experimentado un retraso respecto de los monitoreos efectuados duante el ciclo 1991 – 1993
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Exploratory fishing; Catch statistics; Cephalopod fisheries; Fishery biology; Exploratory fishing; Fishery biology; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Indian Ocean tuna fisheries: Data summary for 1987-1996 OceanDocs
Catch statistics and fishing craft statistics are presented for the Indian Ocean tuna fisheries for the period 1987-1996. The former are presented by species, country, year and by gear. Details are also given of the number of fisheries crafts in the national fleets, in order to provide information on the economic and technical development of the fisheries and to provide an approximate idea of fluctuations in fishing effort.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics; Fishing craft; Fish catch statistics; Fishing vessels statistics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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La peche morutiere francaise de 1500 a 1950: statistiques, climat, societe ArchiMer
Hersart De La Villemarque, Jacqueline.
This synthesis, outcome from the reconstitution of chronological series of catches, replaces this economical activity in its human and climatic context, including society facts, wars and ships evolution
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Ship technology; Sociological aspects; Climatic data; Gadoid fisheries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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L'anchois <Engraulis encrasicolus> des côtes nord de la Tunisie: reproduction et exploitation. OceanDocs
Khemiri, S.; Gaamour, A.; Mili, S.; Ben Abdallah, L..
التكاثر والاستغلال - يهتم هذا العمل بدراسة معطيات التكاثر، الضرورية لحسن التصرف في المخزون، وبتحليل إنتاج الصيد البحري لسمك الأنشوة بالسواحل الشمالية لتونس. بالنسبة لجملة العينات يتساوى عدد الإناث والذكور مع العلم أن نسبة كل جنس تتغير حسب طول السمكة. يتكاثر سمك الأنشوة خلال الفترة الممتدة من أفريل إلى أكتوبر مع وجود اختلال بين الأفراد. يبلغ سمك الأنشوة نضجه الجنسي الأول لطول يناهز 7.3 صم. يفوق المخزون المتاح استغلاله من سمك الأنشوة الكميات المنزلة بمواني الصيد البحري، تبعا لذلك فإن سمك الأنشوة بالشمال التونسي دون الاستغلال الأمثل.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch statistics; Reproduction; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Reproduction; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Las capturas del calamar Illex argentinus en el Uruguay OceanDocs
Leta, H.R..
Los calamares dada su particular abundancia son 105 moluscos marinos de mayor importancia de las aguas uruguayas. Entre éstos, el calamar Illex argentinus es el recurso más importante del área. Si bien la tecnología de captura aplicada no es específica para el recurso, los volúmenes capturados con red de arrastre principalmente para merluza, por las unidades de la Flota Comercial de Altura Uruguaya, indican la existencia de una importante biomasa de estos cefalópodos. Estas consideraciones sumadas al fácil acceso a la zona de explotación y a la duración de la temporada de pesca, favorecen el establecimiento de una pesquería propia del recurso. En 1980, el programa de investigaciones de INAPE incluyó el estudio integral de la explotación de los calamares...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Fishing vessels; Experimental fishing; Commercial fishing; Fishing effort; Catch statistics; Fishing gear; Fishing vessels; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Le crabe girafe Ranina ranina, aux Seychelles: biologie et exploitation OceanDocs
de Moussac, G..
Commercial catches of the crabe girafe, Ranina ranina in the Seychelles are analyses. Male crabs are dominant in the catch (65_310= male to 35_310= female) Large individuals present in the catch (exceeding 115mm) are all males. The size at first maturity for female crabs is 89.5mm. One spawning season is observed annually, around December Von Bertalanffy growth estimates obtained from length frequency data using the Hasselblad method to separate the modes followed by modal progressions, are as follows: Males: L oo = 160mm, k = 0.24 per year: Females: L oo = 137mm, k = 0.12 per year. Alternative estimates are also given using the Von, Bertalanffy equation assuming seasonally oscillating growth. The total mortality which corresponds to the natural mortality...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Catch statistics; Fishery biology.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Ocean tuna fisheries. Data summary for 1989-1998. OceanDocs
Annual nominal catch statistics and fishery fleet statistics are presented for the Indian Ocean tuna fisheries for the period 1989-1998. The former are presented by species, country, year and by gear. Details are also given of the number of fisheries crafts in the national fleets, in order to provide information on the economic and technical development of the fisheries and to provide an approximate idea of fluctuations in fishing effort. Nominal catch data are also distributed together with a programme for data query and analysis, FISHSTAT PLUS, available through the IOTC Web site ( or, on request, by e-mail, on magnetic media or CD-ROM.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Fishery statistics; Catch statistics; Fishing vessels statistics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Perspectivas de la explotación comercial de calamar (Illex argentinus) con poteras en el Golfo San Matías durante 2005 OceanDocs
Morsan, E.M.; Crespi, A..
El calamar del Golfo San Matías corresponde a la subpoblación desovante de primavera que ingresa al golfo en otoño y se captura hasta noviembre. En 2005, CPUE de la flota arrastrera sugiere un ingreso de calamar de similar magnitud al año 2001, con similares perspectivas para la zafra de poteros
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishing vessels statistics; Jigging; Economic feasibility; Commercial fishing; Cephalopod fisheries; Catch statistics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Pesca comercial y captura por unidad de esfuerzo de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) entre 34º S-41º S durante el período 1986-2005 y evidencias sobre cambios en la distribución y composición por tallas del recurso OceanDocs
Irusta, G.; Castrucci, R.; Simonazzi, M..
The activity of the hake (Merluccius hubbsi) commercial offshore ice chilling fleet and its relation to concentration, distribution and population areas of the stock distributed between 34ºS - 41ºS is described. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE) for the 1986-2005 period was estimated applying the General Linear Model. Data derived from the offshore fishing logs provided by the Argentine Secretary of Agriculture, Farming, Fishing and Food Administration and the information obtained in research cruises carried out in 1994, 1996-2001, 2003-2005 to evaluate the resource population abundance. During the main fishing time in the sector (quarter 2) and up until 1991 the fleet scattered within the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (SW Atlantic). Later on...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Catch/effort; Commercial fishing; Catch statistics; Fishing effort; Size distribution; Exclusive economic zone; Gadoid fisheries; Marine environment; Marine environment; Fishing effort; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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